Saturday, November 26, 2005

i think ... are right.

It's a fascinating interplay.

Sunday, November 06, 2005


i meant diane. i had seen already that you had gotten signed in. thanks.

and don't feel that anything sucks.

it's an experiment. you can make up new characters - have them interact with the ones already there - interact on their own. Or you can take the existing characters and do things.

the only structure is what's there. so, just try to have some fun.

Saturday, November 05, 2005


yes, I got it, and sent the appropriate acknowledgement. I wrote a paragraph, but then decided it sucked, so i didn't post it. haven't had time to post since. can you explain the structure of what's already there?

dana (

is your email up to date?

i sent you an invite to a blog novel project, but you haven't joined.

i'm thinking maybe i don't have you updated properly.

can you send me an email directly?

you're wish... my blog creation.

It shall be done.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

isn't that funny?

being her creditor.

as for your friend... compromise is a curious word. both verb and noun.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

learned helplessness

They have 2 kids together. She's going to school and working full time, so at least by starying with him she has someone to pick up the kids from school, etc. She wants to get into nursing school, is taking prerequisites; so she's going to be financially shaky for a few years. Right now they live in her parents' house; she's a phlebotomist, so doesn't make a lot of money. He spends a lot of money she brings in on drugs. He's been in and out of rehab (he's an ex-GI, so the VA picks up the tab). She once asked me to help her initiate divorce proceedings, but she chickened out at the last minute. The guy won't let her do anything; he doesn't even want her to hang out with me. Maybe sonme day she'll get fed up enough. But for now she's resigned to putting up with him.

Meanwhile, Viv's bankruptcy gets finalized this week-- just under the wire before the new laws take effect! As she put it, "gosh, my transition finally caught up with me!" Hmmm, that's the key to getting thousands of dollars of plastic surgery-- charge it all, them declare bankruptcy! Although really I have no way of knowing that that was how she financed it; she's never ever come clean about that aspect of it. But I smell a parasite!

Oddly, since I'm the leaseholder on the car she drives, I was listed as one of her creditors and got an official letter inviting me to the meeting of her creditors (I didn't go).

so why doesn't she leave him?

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

it's all sad.

I have a friend at work who's stuck in a crappy marriage. Basically, she's married to a controlling crack addict who can't hold a job. A cousin is a merchant seaman who has been on shore leave in SF for the past 2 weeks, and in a visit to her home he brought along his shipmate, who my friend struck up a friendship with. The shipmate is also married, plus they may never see each other again, so an affair was out of the question. Still, his last day in port was Sunday, and my friend desperately wanted to spend some time with this guy alone. I told her she could use my apartment, and use me as an excuse to get away from her husband for the evening (she told him she was going to a comedy club with me). My friend already had keys to my place because she takes care of my cat when I'm out of town, and I went to the movies for the evening (saw two of them) so they could have plenty of time. I habitually turn my phone off in the movies, so I was out of contact. When I got out I turned the phone back on, and there was a message from her. She said that she couldn't get the key to my place to open the lock, so they had to abandon their plan. I forgot to tell her that the lock is wearing out, and lately I've had to jiggle the key a little to get it to open. But she has the "good" set of keys, so I didn't think that would be a problem. If only I had had the phone on, I could have coached her through it (or if nothing else, left the theater and gone back to open it for them). Man, I felt so bad. That, and my annual evaluation at work sent me into a deep funk the last 2 days.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Two Women, A Man, and a Blog

how about Two Women, A Man, and a Blog?

i agree with diane. we should go private.

either private here or private at livejournal. seem the two most likely locales.

i don't want to share my vital essence with the ether. Or my precious bodily fluids either.