Wednesday, October 26, 2005

learned helplessness

They have 2 kids together. She's going to school and working full time, so at least by starying with him she has someone to pick up the kids from school, etc. She wants to get into nursing school, is taking prerequisites; so she's going to be financially shaky for a few years. Right now they live in her parents' house; she's a phlebotomist, so doesn't make a lot of money. He spends a lot of money she brings in on drugs. He's been in and out of rehab (he's an ex-GI, so the VA picks up the tab). She once asked me to help her initiate divorce proceedings, but she chickened out at the last minute. The guy won't let her do anything; he doesn't even want her to hang out with me. Maybe sonme day she'll get fed up enough. But for now she's resigned to putting up with him.

Meanwhile, Viv's bankruptcy gets finalized this week-- just under the wire before the new laws take effect! As she put it, "gosh, my transition finally caught up with me!" Hmmm, that's the key to getting thousands of dollars of plastic surgery-- charge it all, them declare bankruptcy! Although really I have no way of knowing that that was how she financed it; she's never ever come clean about that aspect of it. But I smell a parasite!

Oddly, since I'm the leaseholder on the car she drives, I was listed as one of her creditors and got an official letter inviting me to the meeting of her creditors (I didn't go).


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