Saturday, October 15, 2005

odds and ends

Ten days ago I was winged by a truck while riding my bike on a busy street. I had just gone through an intersection and found myself squeezed between cars parked at the curb and a FedEx truck passing me on the left. I thought "this is too tight, I'm not gonna make it," and indeed the last foot or so of the truck grazed my shoulder, I lost control, and went down. I landed on my hands, face, and hip. I think my beloved Julbo sunglasses cushioned the impact, because they were mangled but face sustained a small scrape, lots of bruising, and a marble-sized hematoma on my chin. I screamed "fuck" 3 times when I went down, which got the attention of passersby. As soon as I got up from the pavement (and that's always my first impulse, get the fuck out of traffic), there was a cop and 2 other men there asking me if I was okay. Someone called 911 and there was an ambulance at the scene within minutes. It took me up to Davies, where they cleaned me up and x-rayed my hand. Nothing was broken, but I did get a nice juicy script for Vicodin for my troubles.


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