Friday, October 14, 2005


laurie is 4 years older than me. when i was in 1st grade at Blue Ash Elementary she was in 5th grade. It was the only time we were in the same school together.

Gregg is a year and a half older than her.

and Gary is a year and a half older than Gregg.

And then Gordon is 3 years older than Gary.

Laurie's a bit of an enigma to me. We had a bunk bed together when we were young. I had the lower bunk (i was the baby after all). We were downstairs. The older boys had the upstairs rooms. Gordon as the eldest had his own room. Gary and Gregg shared. Then the boys moved downstairs and took over Dad's bedroom. I went upstairs and took the bedroom with the built in desk and bookshelves. Dad took the other bedroom. It was that proximity that drove me crazy -- having to hear his snoring!! I hated it. That was 3rd or 4th grade when I got my own room: 1970'ish i guess.

which was also the year Gordon graduated Sycamore. and lucked out by drawing a high draft number. and he bought that dark blue Opel Manta at some point with the matte black racing hood. What a cool car.

And then Dad bought the Mazda RX2. Dubbed the Deathmobile by the time I got a hold of it in 1978-79. The same car I got stuck in a construction field one night somewhere in Montgomery. I can't remember what the heck we were doing out there, other than trouble. Fun little car. Rotary engine. But not good in a field.

Laurie graduated a half year early (after Xmas in January 76). And she immediately moved out, and moved in with her boyfriend Jim. They got married on my birthday a year later, which was television premiere of the Holy Grail, which I missed because of the wedding! grrr.

Laurie had this farm in Harrison that I just loved. Big old house. I used to go out there and visit a lot. We had Xmas there every year. And often Turkey Day.

When I was home on leave from Korea I went out there. Their daughter was just a toddler barely.

And when Aud and I were first together we went camping with them - and waterskiing at Lake Brookville. But Aud didn't like Laurie - and we grew apart.

Now they have a big farm in Indiana, and a big big modern house. Jim is actually a nephew of the Lindner's apparently. Although not a close one i guess.

Anyway. Goodnight.


Blogger admin said...

Blog 8 by Mr Grumpy
There I was sitting watching the rabbits, John and Marlene, through the patio doors.
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October 14, 2005 at 8:27 PM  

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