Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Autumn Days

It seems we have turned the corner down here.

Nights are finally cool, and the daytime temps have dropped ten degrees. Today's high is still supposed to get to 80. But tomorrow and Friday are looking 60's low 70's.

Actually wore a sweatshirt this morning. In fact still am wearing a sweatshirt.

Fall is the only season worth a damn around here.

Summer ended badly for us because the central air died on us two weeks ago. This was after having it refilled. It ran for another two weeks, and then I guess the compressor just went kaput. We need a new system, but can't begin to afford one. I guess if we save and I work a bunch of overtime this winter we might have enough to replace the system in the spring. Hopefully the furnace itself will hang in there.

Other than that, things are okay.

UC plays at Miami tonight. Memories of long ago. I remember you taking me to that big ravine near campus. I remember how bright the sun was. I just remember a lot of glare.


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