Thursday, August 25, 2005

where mutch?

breakfast with the homeless-- Haight Street McDonalds. As Golden Gate Park begins right across the street, Haight Street Mickey D's is kinda the breakfast buffet for the homeless kids living in the park. And grizzly insane older shopping cart-type homeless guys. In fact it is rare that there isn't a shopping cart groaning under a load of aluminum cans parked out in front of PlayLand when I come by in the morning. Sometimes I can't even chain my bike up to the customary place because there is a mobile can collection vehicle blocking the way. Today there is a particularly large phalanx of punk kids panhandling by the entrance. Sometimes I give 'em a coupla quarters, sometimes I don't. Right now there's a particularly grimey guy a few tables away muttering something about Bank of America. This place is fascinating. And it has wifi, which is mainly why I'm a devotee. This morning I'm killing time before my 9:30 class (archaeology) over at good old city college.


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