Wednesday, July 20, 2005

kinda embarrassed

by the ultra low res of the movie, so I'll try to post a higher res version sometime in the next couple of days. I'm thinking of showing it this Saturday as part of the Queer Issues/Non-Vanilla Sex class I'm teaching, so if you do watch it, tell me what you think. I'm also trying to get a couple of BDSM folks to come in and give a demo, but I'm having a hard time getting a commitment. Hey, I've done my part for education: 3 weeks ago I was the guest speaker for trans issues at the Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality's summer seminar (they got me through SFSI). Apparently I was a hit, folks (the participants are primarily therapists from around the country) came up to give me hugs afterwards. They said they definitely want me back next year. And I got $25 honorarium! Woo-hoo!


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