Friday, October 14, 2005

my siblings

are the same as they've always been, only more so. we're all liberal misanthropes. godless malcontents. anxious losers. i speak to my sis maybe every other month. i like her better now that she's single again. no need to pretend that she's got some kind of great life. now she's back in the pit with the rest of us. phil's cool when i speak to him, he's mellow and thinks pretty much the same way i do. i never speak to him for months, sometimes years on end. but if i called him up right now i'd have a good time shooting the breeze with him. greg-- whenever i do talk to him, which is maybe once a year, he's cool, but he seems more like a stranger than phil or tara. but then he always did. i kinda wish tara lived nearby so i could do stuff with her, but if she did, we'd probably get on each other's nerves after a while. weird.


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