Sunday, October 10, 2004

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving

(tomorrow actually) It's not my turn to cook, so that's kind of nice.

Rained last week. Have been slogging through the mud moving furniture and things. I don't know why Ed is dragging his feet on this. I don't want to be moving dressers in the snow.

Today is mild though. Leaves are very colorful. There was a note on the cabin door from Bonnie, new neighbor building next door. She said they would be there this weekend, so Carolyn and I stopped buy to see how their place was coming. They have the roof on and it all closed in, windows in too, and that's all their doing until spring. Out of money,too.

It's getting about time to close up our place. Tomorrow or next weekend I'll probably go out, put a fire in the fire place and clean and put things away, dismantle the pump, put away lawn chairs and things, put the shutters on the bedroom. It's sort of a depressing job.

I wouldn't mind winter except for the darkness and being constantly sick and all of us turning couch slugs. November is always miserable - brown drab, cold, but not enough snow for anything fun.

What's new with the election? How were the debates? I didn't catch them. Sorry I have nothing interesting to say.


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