Sunday, October 24, 2004

Things have settled down a bit

We're not living in as much clutter and chaos, and there's heat, which is definitely an improvement. You wouldn't think moving across the driveway would cause such disarray but it has. And of course, while it kept raining everyweekend, so when it was put boots on, go over the old house take boots off, pick up furniture or boxes, put boots on, carry stuff over to house take boots off, place itemin house, put boots on, repeat until insane.
I've spent every Saturday varnishing, trim, cord around, the spindles of the railing on the stairs and loft. I'm still not done.
I finished my first assignment for histology part II. It was actually due on Friday. Maybe I can get Jaon at the post office to post mark it Friday or Saturday. She did it for me once before.
I have to send my absentee ballot in still. I almost feel like voting for Bush just because I hate to see this whole Iraq thing become a Democrat fiasco. I feel like George got us in to this mess, he can damn well get us out. But he's such a smug bastard I just can't do it. But he is going to win, if only because everyone dislikes Kerry's wife. She sort of reminds me of the mother in the movie the Graduate,where as Laura Bush is like everyone's first grade teacher.
Two of the barn cats died. So it was a sad experiment, but I don't think they would have survived down at the barn either. The female calico is doing okay. It is even eating tiny bits of chicken. Earl, our big grey male hisses at it but he hasn't tried to hurt it. Cincy our, tabby, ran off for a few days. I think it got confused when it went to the old house and there was no one there to open the door. But she reappeared today. The dog just looks at the kitten like "oh, no, not another one."He is fairly tolerant of the cats though unless they try to eat out of his dog dish. The calico will have to go back to the barn when she's bigger. I can't afford to get another cat fixed. Hey Scott, want a kitten? Some calicos are ugly but this one is really cute. It has little white paws too.
I am bored out of my canoe at work. I don't know how I can do this the rest of my life. Do you ever just get tired of seeing and talking to the same people day after day? Am I abnormal in this respect? And then when the people you work with want to do something social, you can hardly say "I'm sick of you guys. I just want to go home and be a hermit."
I've been feeling very misanthropic lately. Whenever people approach me to do civic minded things, I cringe. I wouldn't mind volunteering my time, but some how it inevitably involves going to really tedious meetings and then they make you secretary or treasurer and you have to take notes or keep track of money or wash dishes at suppers or sell raffle tickets. I hate stuff like that.
Family Guy is on. Gotta go.


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