Thursday, November 04, 2004

I was disappointed

but not surprised that Bush won. Kerry didn't have much of message other than "I'm not Bush." There was nothing to really draw voters to him. And despite Clintons womainizing, he was an inspiring speaker. Also there was no big third party distraction, no "nut" vote this year like Ross Perot or Pat Buchanan or Pat Robertson. But at least it was close. I would have been more depressed if it was a land slide.

It's a little disturbing to look at that big map of the US with its blue coasts and big fat red middle (with the exception of Illinois) What is with that? Is the US that geographical divided? I mean isn't there TV and radios and computers and large universities scattered across the heartland? Aren't there plenty of transplanted midwesterners living on the east west and west coasts? Isn't the US a big homogenized, accentless, Walmart shopping, Leno watching, Latte drinking, demogaphic morph?


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