Monday, January 03, 2005

How was your Chistmas?

I actually mannaged to piss off all my relatives without even visiting them this year. My mom is in the habit of cutting out articles out of the the Cincinnati Enquirer and mailing them to me. She put a bunch in her Christmas box. Almost every year, for one reason or another, my mother's boxes get choosen to searched by customs. No other boxes I get ripped open and examined, but somehow my mom just inspires suspicion in people, because she is overly careful and paranoid, I guess.
Anyway, she asked if her packages were opened and inspected by Canadian Customs, and I said, "Oh yeah, but why did you send me all those newspaper articles about Bush in Canada with every other word blacked out by marker?

My family went nuts! They really thought the Canadian government censoring my mail. They were ready to call the Canadian Embassy. I said, Uh, I was just kidding... they havn't spoken to me in weeks.


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