Sunday, October 24, 2004

So what should we talk about?

I feel pretty out of touch with the election and American culture. I don't even know what the new fall TV shows are. I'm going through a phase where everything I read or see on TV seems terribly uninteresting and/or irritating. People in general seem uninteresting or irritating, and then I feel guilty for being so negative, for squandering opportunities for connection, growth, experience, knowledge. etc. but sometimes interaction feels so unsatisfying.
This is how I feel right before I get depressed. maybe its time to renew my Rx for celexa.

Carolyn is not enthusiastic about school this year. I ask her "So, what'd you learn today." And she says "Same thing we learned yesterday." But then when I go to pick her up for something she doesn't look unhappy. Still, it seems like so much time is spent just managing kids, lining them up, getting them from point A to point B, synchronizing the putting away of pencil boxes and taking out of spelling books, of getting kids to learn routines, disciplining inappropriate behavior, etc.I mean, I know that sort of thing is necessary, but it's just kind of dismal that school is really more about socialization than learning. I have this sense that somehow Carolyn has just figured that out and feels a little betrayed, or maybe I'm reading too much into her disenchantment this year.
I don't blame her teacher or the school. Sometimes it just seems the nature of the beast, a limit to the kind of learning that can go on in large group, especially a large group of squirmy little kids. While I was working on my histology assignment she was looking through all my anatomy books and asking questions about the different organs. There's no way in a big class a kid can ask ten questions in a row about something that strikes their curiosity - by the 2nd question the other kids are bored or distracted and acting up. I don't know what the answer is - every day I put her on the bus and hope that she doesn't start hating it too much.


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