Thursday, October 14, 2004

We are moved in.

no furnace, but if I run the dryer and the dish washer continuously, it's not too cold in here. While moving, I kept hearing mewing sounds from the vicinity of the barn. We have barn cats, which Eds feeds and encourages to keep the mouse population under control. Barn cats are surprisingly robust and healthy, but the kittens seem to have a rather high mortality rate, and are often lost, stepped on by cows, killed by tom cats, or eaten by something else. You sort of learn not to keep track of them. But as we were moving furniture all weekend the mewing went on and on for two days straight, and finally I went down there to see what was going on. Ed said the kittens kept falling out of the top level of the barn, and the mother would go get them, and take them back up into they hay mow, and they'd fall out again. She must have just given up or run off, because they were outside the barn, in a pile of manure, all shivery and cold and hungery. So I took them to the house and washed them off and dried them and fed them tiny spoonfuls of milk. I put clean towel in the drier to warm it up and wrapped them in it and placed them in a milk crate in the kitchen and they went to sleep and finally stopped mewing. I've been feeding them every five hours ever since. But they are definitely going back to the barn, once they are strong enough. I've already got Cincy and Earl -two cats is enough.


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