Friday, November 05, 2004

Even more interesting

is if you look at a map of the vote broken out by county. The map is almost entirely red. And the only blue is at the cities and the extreme edge of the west coast. Hamilton county of course would be red.

The thing is, if you asked people in Red States about it, they would not call Gay Marriage progressive. They don't think it's an improvement.

One of the problems is that anyone who disagrees with Gay Marriage is labeled as homophobic, neanderthals. Hate-mongering Nazis. Why does opposition to Gay Marriage equate to opposition to Women's Rights?

Your mother has the right to her views. As do millions of others. They aren't ignorant. It's imperious and elitist to suggest so.

Personally, I could see a workable compromise that would allow marriage between men and women, and domestic partnership for gays and lesbians.

What is marriage? Why does it exist? It was created to permit the raising of children to adulthood. Marriages hold families together. Families are the means by which societies maintain themselves. Families provide the most basic level of human government and social order.

Only later did marriage come to signify love.

Marriage is a fancy name for a partnership to maintain a household together. But of course, there is more to it than that. But fundamentally it is an economic relationship.

I personally have no problem with gays and lesbians having the same ability to join together as heterosexual couples. But I understand those who don't feel the same way. I have always felt that the beauty of the united states was that with 50 states you were always likely to find at least one of those states willing to give something a try. I don't think there should be an amendment to the constitution. The individual states have the sovereign right to regulate civil affairs such as marriage. Congress should not interfere with that.

So I don't know.

What do you say?


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