Sunday, November 28, 2004

I wasn't hungover

I was sick! I thought I was over this flu, but it's back with lots o' mucus!

The term paper (which the questionnaire was part of) was "The Spiritual Beliefs of Intravenous Drug Users." I've spent the last 2 months asking junkies about their religious beliefs.

You guys were gonna be in the control group of non-junkies, you know, to compare my junkie responses to. My groups were pretty small-- 32 junkies and 42 non-junkies-- but I didn't have that much time to spend on it and, shit, it's just a term paper for community college.

However I did notice trends. As you might suspect:
junkies are by and large young white nihilistic males who don't got no respect for the gods.
they're pretty much Kurt Cobain, with less talent.


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