Saturday, November 13, 2004

I'll try to make you a CD this week.

I'm taking Monday and Tuesday off to work on my anthro term paper. I would have burned you a CD a long time ago except that my CD burner (on the stereo) died some time ago and I haven't replaced it. My laptop, which is where all my iPod tumes are, doesn't have a CD-R drive. The desktop computer does have a CD burner, but I don't have any music on that computer, Marc has all his music on it. He's got hundreds if not thousands of songs on it, many that he purchased online. There's gonna be a real problem when he moves out-- he's gonna want the computer. But he only invested $400 in it, less than half of what I put in it. Plus, I've installed a couple hundred dollars worth of additional software. I'll let him have the computer if he coughs up $1000, but I know he doesn't have it, so he'll be really hurt when I say no.


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