Thursday, April 14, 2005

at the clinic last night

Scottosaurus told me a story about a friend of his who tried to get into med school for 10 years. She would apply to med schools every year, take the mcat every few years. Around year 8 she moved to Tucson because she heard that U of Arizona usuaqlly doesn't get enough qualified applicants (they only take in-state applicants) to fill their entering class. She toiled away in a UofA micro lab for a year to qualify for residency. Still didn't get in. Then she heard that Italian med schools are good and like to admit Americans. She spent the summer taking an intensive course in Italian, then applied. She got accepted! But meanwhile that same year, some Italian politician made a big stink about how many rich Americans were taking up places in Italian med schools that should rightfully be used to train docs who were going to stick around. So that year the Italian government drastically reduced the number of student visas awarded to Americans. Guess what? Hers was one of the visas that got cancelled. Heartbroken, she gave up on med school after that.

So anyway I'm down to 1 school that hasn't rejected me. Oh well, it was an interesting (if costly) experiment. Time to focus on
the nursing program at SF State.


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