Saturday, April 09, 2005

Sorry to hear

you are feeling down, Dana. Fortuna's wheel will turn for you soon, I predict. You are just in a slump.

all the snow has disappeared, and their is open water around the point. Kind of amazing how fast it melts considering it was like feet thick just two weeks ago. Ice broke up on Lake Manitou and came careening down the river in large slabs. I'm surprised it doesn't jam up somewhere along the way. So is there any kind of visible change in the spring in California. Mac should be getting leaves shortly.

I finally got my histology assignments back from last OCTOBER. And I was pretty pissed because I thought the grading looked rushed and arbitrary. There was nothing but check marks here and there and no comments or explanations for points taken off. I got a %78 overall for the assignments and last time I think it was 93-95% or something. But I did better than expected on the final exam so, so that helped.

I got my first blood bank assignment back an it was 110%. so that cheered me. But it wasn't an easy assignment to do because I just don't recall any of it. It's like starting over. It's like when you find an old flashlight or walkman you threw in a box a long time ago and forgot about and you open it up years later to find the batteries have leaked and the terminals are all coroded and you attempt to clean it up and see if you can make it work again. That is what my brain feels like in this course.

The seagulls and ducks came first and then the sandhill cranes. I haven't seen a robin yet, but heard they are around. When Carolyn had croup we were sitting out on the deck at 2am in our jammies and winter coats, so the cold air could help her larynx. She was making that croupy bark sound and crying and then we noticed that every time she would do that, some ducks in the river would quack, and she stopped crying and started laughing.
I had my first cold of the year. Didn't think I could get through the whole with winter. Coincidentally it was when I stopped drinking that carrot juice.

Carolyn says hi. She lost another front tooth and looks like a little vampire.

I'm totally Poped out these days. There are few news stories I could less interested. that and Charles and Camilla.

Since it's too warm to ski and too cold to canoe, I've been painting a little. Carolyn and I went swimming in Espanola last weekend. Went to McDonalds despite having just watched seen Supersize Me. That was hilarious. I can't believe his liver enzymes got that bad just from Big Macs.

I can't believe you live in this cool, enlightened place and yet their are these zealous bike thieves lurking everywhere. What is with that? How long does it take to dismantle and steal a bike? Don't anyone say anthing if they see someone doing that or walking down the street with part of a bike? Where do they resell them?


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