Monday, May 02, 2005

You'd have made

a great doctor because, 1) you're so damn smart, 2) you're meticulous and genuinely care about others' well being, and 3) people warm up to you fast. But the big draw back to that career for you is I don't see how it would take advantage of your creativity Sure it's problem solving, but within pretty strict boundaries. You need some science job with an imaginative side to it, ideally.I think you should magazine articles about science, technology and medicine.

It's trout season on the Manitou River. It last two weeks. We get lots of fishermen. They park on the road near the bridge. Some have been coming ever year for decases. Carolyn got got the idea to sell cookies and brownies and coffee and sandwiches. I helped her with food. We painted signs "Carolyn'
s Rainbow Snackbar." We practiced making change all week. She made $30.00 on Saturday with her little table over by the bridge. Sunday, there were fewer fishermane and rained and we gave up early.

Canadians in America are always saying how scarey the US. They see a lot on TV about the Republicans and the Religious right, and the Supreme court and Bush invoking God's name all the time, and from up here it does get to sound a little creepy. But you, know despite how loud a voice they have in the media, no body really seems to be listening. Nobody seems to live by the principles they espouse. There isn't a huge religious revivial in the United States. There's not a large increase in the numbers of people attending church every sunday. Most people aren't virgins on their wedding day. There's no drop in the numbers of couples who live together. Gays aren't going back into the closet. Women aren't quitting their jobs to stay home and having not using birth control. University students still have keg parties and smoke pot. Americans havn't stopped getting divorced.
No one is shocked by interacial marriage anymore. There's openly gay people on TV. There's no stigma to being a single mom, other than "God she must be really tired."

Regardless of scarey the Republicans sound on TV, it's like there's an entire countey saying, "Oh no, we wouldn't dream of doing those terrible things. Can we the keys to car now? Don't wait up!" It's like were're nation of teenagers living in their political basement, willing to trade certain real freedoms, if they just kind of look the other way about other stuff, and Dad doesn't lose his job.

Other things I've been thinking of:

I hate Dr. Phil. He is evil.

I saw a great movie called Wrestling With Ernest Hemmmingway. It loved it. It made me cry. Robert Duval has a cuban accent.

I had insominia bad last week and also several good documentaries on : Stalin& Hitler, Timothy Leary, Eqyptian mummies, life in a Penquin colony and other cool stuff.
Why is the best TV on at 3am? It just confirms my theory that I am somehow weird or defective, because "Top Gun" runs 7 times during normal veiwing ours but some terrific Independant film or ducumentary is only on at 2:25 on a Tuesday night. late night tive makes me feel exactly the way I did in High school.


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