Monday, October 25, 2004

Ed and I

actually had a very pleasant weekend together. We just sort of hung out. All summer it seems like we are coming and going and passing each other on the way to and from work, handing off Carolyn like a football.. (I don't mean that she is burden - actually, we've always been kind of jealous about each other's time spent with her.) And the house of course has been a preoccupation. And there is just something about marriage - they way you depend on each other to get things done. I don't think either of us "nag"; still you find yourself saying "Could you help me with....did you remember to.. do you think you it okay if we.."
So yeah, it's kind of unusual just to be in each other's company and not ask for anything or be asked, just to hang out.. Carolyn had a sleep over at her friend's house (in exchange for us babysitting her friend the next day.) So I cooked a steak, and we watched a movie, soaked in the hot tub, and went to bed early.


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