Wednesday, December 01, 2004

i made winston watch the

Guided by Voices documentary "Watch me Jumpstart" the other day (since he really enjoyed the GbV concert at the Fillmore a couple of weeks ago; all during the show he would turn to me after they played a song he particularly liked and say "put that one on a mix CD for me!"; this is GbV's farewell tour, their last show is New Year's Eve in Chicago). Anyhow, he was fascinated with how Dayton looks (that's a lot of snow! does it get cold there?). He especially liked the part where one of the band members says "It's been said Dayton is a microcosm of the whole country, it's the crossroads of America. In fact, the actual crossroads of America is right over there by that red sign..."

Anyway, what's my point? Forgot. Gotta run.


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