Thursday, December 23, 2004

The Plotted Course

author is guilty of sensationalist marketing, if you ask me. Saying that "Jesus is Really Satan" is quite a bit different than saying he was the pasty of the Romans. Ones a freaky supernatural belief; the other's probably a rejected master thesis.

Speaking of religion, one of the doctors commented that the bad thing about being an atheist is that you have no holidays. "Sure you do, they're just differnt. There's Change the Oil in Your Car Day and Garbage Eve and Put Away the Summer Clothes and Get Out the Sweaters and Warm Stuff Day. I think he thought I was being sarcastic, but I wasn't really. Okay, maybe things like Oil Changes don't really qualify. But there are yearly events that are as close to sacred rituals as you get if you're not religious. Like putting in the garden, opening and closing the cabin. In fact in my family we send each other emails on April 3rd that say "Happy Tornado Day." It's always a day we seem to remember.

So what are your personal holidays?


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