Tuesday, December 21, 2004

An old boyfriend

(Mike) really hated Christmas and all holidays for that matter. I once said to him, well, if nothing else holidays are cyclic- they make one pause and reflect on the changes from one year to the next, and think about what was going on the same time the last year, or a decade ago. It's a way of marking time if nothing else. (He was not impressed by this concept.)

I've gotten in the habit of "naming" years. 2002 was the Year of Wishful Thinking. 2003 was the Year of Giving Up. 2004 was the Year of Living Dangerously.

Actually this is a recent tradition of mine. It started when it occured to me that when someone said "1985" or "1989" or "1993" absolutely nothing would spring to mind. I mean, I wouldn't instantly know what I was doing or how I felt at that year. I'd have to sit there and do mental calculations - okay, what apartment was I living in that year, what job did I have, was I in school or out, who was I dating, etc. So now, I name the years. And it's kind of interesting deciding on a name.

So what's your year called this year?


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