Wednesday, December 22, 2004

What a great list Scott.

I should sit down and try to name all my years. I should research my own life. That sounds weird, but it's true. I've just kind of let memories of events drift away like helium party balloons.
Despite the fact that he didn't see any point to cyclic holidays, Mike recorded everything in his journal. He didn't like the idea of all his experience slipping away and dissolving into the haze of the past. I always wanted to do that. Inspired by his discipline, I'd make resolutions each year to keep a journal but never could follow through. I think some how the idea just seemed, sort of futile. Like I'd never really be able to capture the essence of things, or I'd focus too much on the things that in retrospect didn't really matter, or the memories would be so good or so sad that it would be heartbreaking to relive. What's worse - to read a journal and say "Thank God I'll never have to go through that anymore" or read something you wrote and think "I'll never be that happy; I'll never have that experience again."

But I'm afraid I've gone too far too the other extreme. I can't remember enough.


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