Friday, January 28, 2005

I'm sorry, that's a difficult story to tell

due to it's tediousness.

I'm sorry, too, Scott, about the baby. What kind of brain tumor is it, do you know?

I'm so tired lately. No energy to blog. Got caught in the rain tonight riding my bike. I hate that. More because of the embarrassment of arriving somewhere soaking wet than anything else.

Tonight in my Stats class, a woman in my class who looked familiar came up to me and asked if I had taken Nutrition last semester. I said yes, I had, and she said she took it last semester, too; she was in the Wednesday class, but often had to attend the Thursay class, which was my class, due to a schedule conflict. She said she remembered that I had a lot to say in class. We both remarked how much we got out of the class, and I told her about my talks with the prof leading up to my LOR's, and how I came to really like the prof. She told me how she had started interacting with the prof., too, and as a result had come to realize what a cool subject nutrition was and that she had decided to major in nutrition due to that class. I thought, gee, here's a moment where careers are decided on, passions are found. Then I thought about all the subjects I would have liked to spend lifetimes learning, but wouldn't be able to, and that made me sad.


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