Wednesday, January 26, 2005

weird moment of week the last

So this time I'm at the MacArthur Bart station (kinda like "MacArthur Park," which as you know is where that cake got left out in the rain), platform two, waiting for the connecting train to San Fancisco/Milbrae to come to a stop across the way on platform one, which is the annoying ritual one has to endure on weekends because there are no direct San Francisco trains on the Richmond line (which is the line you have to take to get to Berkeley),and although it isn't the weekend, it IS Martin Luther King Day, so the annoying weekend schedule is in effect. Anyway, there's this older gent with a shock of white hair standing in my proximity who has a high-tech looking earpiece stuck in his right ear and an incredibly tiny cell phone hanging around his neck like a lavalier mike. I'm admiring the technolust of the set up when I happen to make the age-old mistake of eye contact. The gent smiles and points to the earpiece and says "do you know what bluetooth is?' ...

I'm sorry babycakes, I'm just too tired, I'll have to finish this story tomorrow.


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