Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Carolyn's ear

is a little better but she was up barfing last night and has a fever. I think she's actually managed to get two different things at once. She has a fever. Her face is flushed. Getting her to take Tylenol or anything is next to impossible. Almost as difficult as giving the cat medicine, not that I sit on her and pry her mouth open - I try to disguise it in various food or drinks but she always knows. She is on the convertible sofa watching cartoons. In my day (said in a cranky grandpa voice) there weren't cartoons on daytime television. When we stayed home sick, we had to watch Monty Hall on Let's Make a Deal or Password or the Dinah Shore show, bad black and white westerns or movies with actors like David Nivens.

I heard that Yoshima robot song on the CBC today. Who did the one that was on my CD about being made of stars?


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