Wednesday, March 02, 2005

hi Scott

You could be cross country skiing with us and going ice fishing tomorrow but nooo. Or being quizzed extensively about the hibernation habits of bears by my daughter.
How about getting wasted on Canadian Club and pepsi? Just kidding. (Not really). Dana flew into Sudbury airport Tuesday morning after a ten hour flight from San Francisco; her plane got grounded in Fairfield, Iowa for 5 hours due to bad weather; coincidently, this is the same airport Buddy Holly's plane was grouned at before his fateful "death flight" in 1961.As you might guess, Dana got back on the plane with some trepidation. But she managed to arrive safely in her bitchin' Chevy Malibu. She brought lots of subversive west coast candy and Asian rice noodles for a freaky chinese-fusion dish she is demanding that we prepare.
I go to the grocery store and buy vegetables and randonly assemble them into dinner. Dogs of all kind adore Dana, as do small children. She is forced to sleep on an Army cot in what we call the "Canada Room" because it has snow shoes on the wall and sleigh bells and a giant Caribou skin on the floor and other types of Northern decor.



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