Tuesday, February 22, 2005

the only hitch in my travel plans

is finding coverage for the Saturday shift drawing blood for HIV tests at the bfc. because i can never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever plan a trip where some obligation or condition or disaster or disease doesn't somehow get in my way. in a moment of warm gushy collective-oid altruism i said i'd be responsible for making sure that notoriously difficult shift to cover always gets covered (ie, i'm the default phlebby). but hey, i still have a couple days to plead and beg and whine, something i've been doing all my professional life. such as it is. fuck it.

see, diane, that's why i'm ultimately a loser and a bottom feeder. you shook off the distasteful onus of phlebotomy like, i dunno, your first year out of school. i've never been able to shake it. heck, my roomie's a fuckin' phlebotomist...

i mean about to be ex-roomie. he's just about moved out. leaving me in the inconvenient position of paying $1600 rent on a 2 bedroom apartment with uncertain plans 3 months in the future. kinda hard finding a replacement roomie under those circumstances. oh well.

in the "bout time you developed some funking backbone you loser" department, i gave my boss the ultimatum that if she doesn't get the other techs in rotation for the Fri and Sat graveyard shifts i've been pulling for god knows how long, i'm going to upper management and make a big flunking stink. stay tuned.


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