Monday, February 14, 2005

Went ice fishing Sunday

on the bay. We put a hole in on our side and then rode across the bay on the snow mobile to the Indian side and made a hole there. You make the whole with an auger that has a small gas motor.
I always feel funny walking around out there, even though I know the ice is 2 feet thick and people drive trucks on it. Still the idea of there being 100 feet of water down there in the middle of the lake unnerves me a little, the way so people must feel about flying in an airplane - I know, logically, scientifically, and even from past experience that it's perfectly safe, but some part of my brain still isn't entirely conivinced.

The ice is a translucent blue black color in some places, and milky white or green in others. It's not perfectly smooth, but has ripples and ridges, as if small waves had frozen before they stopped moving. There are patches of snow, but the wind blows most of it off onto the land. It makes strange sounds - like a gunshot in the distance or a bass drum. You can't tell which direction the sound is coming from. There was on spot with lots of wolf prints and some blood and fur embedded where it looked like wolves had chased a deer out on to the ice and taken it down. Deer's hooves slip on the ice and once they run out there, their fate is sealed.
Didn't get any fish. Someone else who had been out there caught a big white fish. It was a bright sunny day, but the wind was raw, so we didn't stay out very long.


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