Friday, December 03, 2004

Yahweh's Children

In my novel (well, the outline for my novel) about the Witnesses called "God's Righteous New World" (which was a favorite saying of our witness friends as in "In God's righteous new world we won't have blah blah blah.) I call them Yahweh's Children.

The German witnesses drank plenty of coffee. German coffee. Yum. But I never saw them play hockey. And i want to say that we even drank beer occasionally. Never to excess. Of course Germans don't view beer as alcohol. Beer is food.

I never had any real contact with the Witnesses here in the States, but I think they are completely different. More prurient I would suspect. But I don't know.

Hitler despised the Witnesses, and they were persecuted with a vengeance.

Oh, the notion behind GRNW was that the world was washed clean as per the Witnesses predictions, ushering in their Paradise on Earth. You see, the Witnesses think only a few thousands will go to Heaven, while everyone else will live on Paradise Earth. Earth returned to a state of Eden-like bliss. But they always said that you had to be a practicing witness to go. And I thought, wait, you mean you're going to lock me out of the Witness Hall when you guys go in to save yourselves? The JW's figured they would get the call, go in the halls, and that God would shield them from the destruction. They said, no, family members would be allowed to come with their believing spouses/mothers/fathers. And that made me think, hmmm, if this really happened, then what would it be like afterwards? I mean, I'm not a believer. But God has just washed the earth clean. What would happen?

So, that's my idea. The "Left Behind" Series kind of stole my thunder, but my idea is different.


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