Tuesday, November 16, 2004

good news!

I figured out how to transfer songs from the laptop to the desktop! I burned you a CD, Diane!

Finally made up the weekend of SFSI training I missed 6 months ago when I went to Crete. Two of my classmates also missed the last weekend, and all 3 of us showed up for the weekend! The trainers were amazed-- usually dropouts never come back.
I really like the SFSI "core group," which is like 5 people. They asked me if I'd be on the gender panel for next training; I told them sure, I've even been on another gender panel already! They said they weren't surprised. I'm gender-tested!

making lots of headway on my term paper, but as the deadline approaches (it's due next Tuesday, along with my class presentation), I've developed a nervous appetite and am eating everything in sight. Well, not really, just a lot of bad stuff like cookies. It will pass. Truth be told, most of the anxiety is stemming from the silence from medical schools that have my applications. It's killing me! I want to know what I'm doing next year. I'm beginning to lose confidence, feeling like this is just a big expensive folly. Give me back the confidence I had this past summer. Wherever it came from, it was marvelous.


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