Monday, December 06, 2004

I always thought

the reason Hitler hated the Witnesses was because they were a competing millennarian cult; the Witnesses were religious, and Nazism was secular. They were prophesying the 1000 year reign of Jesus, and he was prophesying the 1000 reich. But really, it was probably just their pacifism that bugged him.

A trannie I knew in New Mexico used to be a Jehovah's Witness. When she was a teen, like 12 or 13, she was really coming into her own, her mom let her wear girl clothes and stuff. Then a male cousin of hers raped her and it freaked her out. She totally shut down her transgendered feelings, suppressed the memories for almost 40 years. She (well, 'he') grew up, married, fathered some kids, got converted to J. Witness, became a deacon (or something like that) in the church. Then one day something triggered all those suppressed memories of the rape, and with it, 40 years of transgendered feelings. Within a year she was transitioning. Needless to say, the church wasn't too cool with that. Pretty much her entire family turned against her.


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